Session 129: RBMO LIVE 7

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Session 129: RBMO LIVE 7
Tuesday, 12th March (3 pm EST / 7 pm UK / 8 pm CET)
This webinar is kindly sponsored by Reproductive BioMedicine Online
Hot Topics and Editors’ Choices
RBMO LIVE 7, held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, showcased the latest advancements in assisted reproductive technologies and medicine. Co-Chief Editors Professors Juan Garcia-Velasco and Nick Macklon led discussions on selected studies, providing valuable insights into current laboratory practice with recent papers form the journal that were the “editors’ choice”.
Also, Duncan Nicholas, Development Editor at RBMO, delivered expert advice on manuscript submissions, offering strategies to enhance the quality and visibility of research work. Attendees gained invaluable tips on standing out in the submission process.
Key presentations included Greta Cermisoni's analysis on the effect of ejaculatory abstinence period on fertilization and clinical outcomes in ICSI cycles, and Dr. Dagan Wells' study
on oocyte rescue, emphasizing that in vitro maturation doesn't adversely affect chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division.
The webinar concluded with an interactive Q&A session, fostering audience engagement and knowledge exchange.
Prof. Juan A Garcia-Velasco and Prof. Nick Macklon
“Effect of ejaculatory abstinence period on fertilisation and clinical outcomes in ICSI cycles: a retrospective analysis of 6,919 cycles” - Ms Greta Cermisoni
“Oocyte rescue: in vitro maturation does not adversely affect chromosome segregation during the first meiotic division" - Dr. Dagan Wells
"Publishing Pro Tips: Submitting your manuscripts" - Duncan Nicholas, Development Editor RBMO
Q and A
Prof. Juan A Garcia-Velasco
Chief Scientific Officer or IVI RMA Global and Director of IVI RMA Madrid, where he attends his patients. He is also Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain
Professor García-Velasco graduated from University Medical School, Madrid, in 1990 and received his obstetrics and gynaecology certification from La Paz Hospital, Madrid, in 1995. He completed his PhD in Medicine at Autonoma University, Madrid, in 1995, and from 1997 to 1998 studied at Yale University, New Haven, CT, under a Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship.
Professor García-Velasco’s main research interests have been in IVF and endometriosis. He is the Principal Investigator of projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health in Spain, and has received awards from the Spanish Fertility Society, Spanish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and 30 book chapters and 6 books on human reproduction, endometriosis and hypo- and hyper-ovarian stimulation response. He is the Co-Editor in Chief of Reproductive Biomedicine Online.
Prof. Nick Macklon
Prof. Nick Macklon is Group Medical Director of LWC, LEB and LSB.
He has held full professorships and departmental Cahir positions at the Universities of Utrecht, Southampton and Copenhagen. Widely published both papers and books. Former member of ESHRE Executive Committee and coordinator of ESHRE Special Interest Group in Reproductive Endocrinology. Recently chaired ESHRE Guide to Good Practice in RIF. He has been Associate Editor of Reproduction, HR and HRU and now co Chief editor of RBMO.
Ms Greta Cermisoni
Greta Cermisoni graduated from the University of Milan (Italy) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, defending a Master’s thesis in the field of stem cell biology in 2015. In 2016, she attended a Vocational Master in Human Reproduction and Embryology, acquiring comprehensive knowledge of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan. Greta has been dedicated to the field since 2017, serving as a Clinical Embryologist at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan (Italy). Since 2023, Greta has brought her expertise to the IVIRMA Global Research Alliance group, where she currently holds the position of Senior Clinical Embryologist at the Genera Clinica Valle Giulia in Rome, Italy. She has continually enhanced her professional skills through participation in embryologist’s workshops and attendance at national and European embryological conferences.
Dr. Dagan Wells
Dagan Wells has been involved in preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and the study of gametes and early embryos for three decades, beginning at University College London. Throughout his career he has been at the forefront of new developments in the field, pioneering the application of advanced methodologies, including genome editing, comprehensive chromosome analysis, whole genome amplification and next generation sequencing. In 1999, he moved to the USA, where he worked with Reprogenetics, helping to establish their monogenic PGT program. While in the US, he also joined the faculty of Yale University, where he undertook clinical PGT cases as well as basic research. Returning to the UK eight years later, Dagan joined the University of Oxford, where he is now Professor of Reproductive Genetics. He was also involved with the creation of Juno Genetics, a state-of-the-art genetics laboratory specializing in PGT, non-invasive prenatal testing, carrier screening and other genetic tests related to infertility treatment and pregnancy, which has grown to be one of the largest providers of PGT services. His work has led to the publication of over 200 scientific papers and has been recognized with multiple awards. He has been acknowledged with fellowships of the Royal College of Pathologists, the Royal Society of Biology, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Institute of Biomedical Science. Dagan is the current President of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society and Chair of the ASRM PGT Special Interest Group.
Duncan Nicholas
Duncan has nearly 20 years’ experience of the journal publishing industry, working with major corporate publishers, independent academic journals and society publishers, and was President of European Association of Science Editors (EASE) from 2020-2023.He is currently development editor with Reproductive BioMedicine Online; a founding journal in IVF, devoted to biomedical research on human conception and the welfare of the human embryo.
Duncan’s work is primarily focused on enhancing journal editorial strategies, developing processes and techniques, presence and community impact. He has developed and delivered training courses to publishers, researchers and the wider scholarly community on many aspects of publishing, such as peer review, author skills and publishing options, science communication, open access, editorial board development, and copyright and licensing.