The International IVF Initiative - i3

Dynamics of Embryo development I

International IVF Initiative

Dynamics of Embryo development I

The Ministry of Embryology and Implantation: Dynamics of Embryo development I

Tuesday, 30th November, 2021. 3PM EST/ 8PM GMT / 9PM CET

Dr. Thorir Hardarson
Dr. Dean Morbeck
Dr. Csaba Pribenszky
Lorena Bori Arnal
Dr. Mina Alikani

with Dr. Daniel Hlinka.



Daniel’s previous interests aimed to define the factors contributing to development of animal oocytes and embryos competences. His special interest was to block meiotic maturation reversibly in order to prolong an ongoing transcriptional activity and to improve the oocytes developmental competences.
After moving from animal research to human IVF his interests were devoted to improving micromanipulative techniques of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and biopsy methods used for preimplantation genetic testing in human embryos.
The next period of Daniel’s studies were devoted to intravital observation methods (polarised microscopy (PLM) and fluorescent chromosome staining by Hoechst) to describe the pre- and post-fertilisation periods of human oocyte/embryo development.
Hlinka’s latest publications are devoted to defining and automation of detection of embryonic developmental features and clinical diagnostic markers using time-lapse imaging and computational processing. Moreover, he have designed the two ecosystems for reproductive data collection: Fertilitypedia  and CATI automated embryo grading of time-lapse records. He is presently science specialist at Repromeda


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