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Session 24: New England Fertility Society VIRTUAL MEETING SERIES ~ Part I

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Session 24: New England Fertility Society VIRTUAL MEETING SERIES ~ Part I

Donor “Anonymity” and Confidentiality in the Era of Direct-To-Consumer DNA Testing and Social Media
Presented By:
Andrea Braverman, PhD
Clinical Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA

"Legally Speaking 2020": An Update on ART Law”
Ongoing developments in reproductive technologies, repro-genetics, and 3rd Party ART all create legal tensions for courts and legislatures. This presentation will update attendees on legal developments that may impact their current and future practices.
Presented By:
Susan Crockin, JD
Crockin Law & Policy Group, PLLC
Senior Scholar, Adjunct Professor, The O'Neill Inst. for National and
Global Health Law, Georgetown Law Center
Research Assistant Professor, Kennedy Inst. of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Moderators: Evelyn Neuber, Ph.D. HCLD (ABB) & Paula Dwan, RNC, MS, WHNP-BC
Organized by the NEFS 

Andrea Mechanick Braverman, PhD

Andrea Mechanick Braverman, PhD

Dr. Braverman is a Clinical Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Braverman is the Associate Director for the Educational Core for OB/Gyn and also serves as the Director of the College Learning Environment for the university. She is a health psychologist with a specialty in medical health management, infertility counseling, and third party reproduction issues. She received her M.A., M.S. and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Braverman has lectured internationally on treatment issues and reproductive medicine before medical and patient audiences. Dr. Braverman has conducted research and published numerous articles in medical journals about the psychological aspects of infertility, attitudes of parents of children born with the use of ART, issues involved in the decision to end treatment, and psychological issues involved in using third-party donors. Dr. Braverman received the Timothy Jeffries Memorial award in 2011 for outstanding contributions as a health psychologist from the American Psychological Association and the Advocacy Award from the Family Equality Council and Path2Parenthood in 2018. She is the past president of the North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology and past chairperson of the Mental Health Professional Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

Susan L. Crockin, Esq.

Susan L. Crockin, Esq.

Crockin Law & Policy Group, PLLC, (formerly Newton, MA), Washington, DC
Private legal/consulting practice concentrating in the legal and policy aspects of assisted reproductive and genetic technologies, “embryo law,” and adoption law. Clients include: Assisted Reproductive Technology ("ART") medical programs, medical institutions, donor gamete programs and banks, and physicians nationwide; individual patients and third-party participants in ART services within and outside MA and DC. Consult to consumer, legislative, professional and policy entities on ARTs policy and legal issues,1988-present


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