The International IVF Initiative - i3

Quality Control in the Cloud

Giles Palmer

Quality Control in the Cloud
Quality Control in the Cloud
Quality Control in the Cloud
Quality Control in the Cloud
Load image into Gallery viewer, Quality Control in the Cloud
Load image into Gallery viewer, Quality Control in the Cloud
Load image into Gallery viewer, Quality Control in the Cloud
Load image into Gallery viewer, Quality Control in the Cloud

IVF Quality Control in the Cloud

Periodic laboratory monitoring is essential for timely correction of differences between desired and measured parameters such as temperature. Despite this well-accepted principle, little is known of periodic recording practice. Usually records are filed away and used only rarely on audits and inspections

In the IVF industry, unlike other industries, cloud computing  has not been widely used in quality control and little evidence exists that clinics reflect upon the results. This presentation highlights the different practises of QC in the lab around the world, describes a recent publication that looked at  QC habits globally in the lab and proposes the ”MAD score” for laboratory quality control diligence.

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