Session 40: Clinic Management of Fertility Preservation - Clinical and Technical Aspects

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Session 40: Clinic Management of Fertility Preservation - Clinical and Technical Aspects
Tuesday 10 November, 2020.
Moderators: Dr. Filippo Maria Ubaldi, Dr. Francesca Gioia Klinger & Dr. Andrea Borini
Dr. Filippo Maria UbaldiFertility Preservation: Present and Possible Futures.
Dr. Federico CirilloOncology and the Fertility Clinic
Dr. Giovanni Codacci PisanelliFertility Preservation: the Embryologist’s Point of View
Dr. Stefano Canosa on behalf of SIERR
Italian Society of Fertility and Sterility-Reproductive Medicine (SIFES-MR)
Dr. Filippo Maria Ubaldi

Filippo Maria Ubaldi is Medical Doctor, Clinical Director at the GENERA Centres for Reproductive Medicine in Rome, Marostica, Umbertide and Naples, Italy.
With academic degrees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Masters in Andrology and Reproductive Medicine, PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Andrology and Reproductive Medicine, he is also intensely dedicated to educational, editorial and practitioner activities.
Co-author of 8 books on the topic of Reproductive Medicine, author and co-author of 232 scientific papers of which 157 are peer reviewed journals published on PubMed; Scopus H-index is 47. Editor of the treaty on
Reproductive Medicine ‘Medicina della Riproduzione Umana’ published in Italy in 2010.
Invited as speaker at 438 National and International congresses on the topic of Reproductive Medicine and has been Scientific Coordinator of 85 congresses and courses. Member of the ESHRE Executive Committee during 2005-2009, he has been Chairman of the 26th ESHRE Annual Meeting held in Rome in June 2010.
In 2014 and 2019 he received the Italian National Scientific License as full Professor in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology and between 2014-2015 has been member of the technical advisory board established by the Ministry of Health on heterologous fertilization.
Dr. Federico Cirillo

I graduated with prof. Niccolini at Università degli Studi di Milano, in 2007, with a thesis on myomectomy while I finished my specialization in Ginecology in 2014 with prof. Ferrazzi in Milano with a study on the different cervical dilatation patterns.
From 2014 I am working at the Humanitas Fertility Center, lead by prof. Levi Setti: during the first 3 years I completed the ESHRE-EBCOG subspecialty in Reproductive Medicine and after that I am trying to keep together the medical activity with the clinical research.
Dr. Giovanni Codacci-Pisanelli

Born in 1962 graduated in medicine in 1986 in Rome, Italy, and obtained a Ph D in biochemical pharmacology from the Free University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
Specialised in medical oncology and since 2013 has been involved in “oncofertility” dealing with fertility preservation in young women affected by solid tumours (mainly breast cancer) and the medical treatment of women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy. He worked in IEO, European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy, in the section of fertility preservation in cancer directed by Dr. F.A. Peccatori.
At present he is assistant professor in Medical Oncology in Sapienza-University of Rome
Dr. Stefano Canosa

Stefano Canosa has a degree in Molecular Biotechnology (2013), a Professional Master's Programme in Human Reproductive Medicine and In Vitro Fertilization Techniques (2015) and a PhD in Biomedical Science and Oncology (2020) at the University of Turin, Italy. He is currently an Eshre certified Clinical Embryologist at the Physiopathology of Reproduction and IVF Unit at S.Anna Hospital, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Turin. He is author or co-author of 18 original papers on international peer-reviewed journals. At present is a member of the scientific board of the Italian Society of Embryology, Reproduction and Research in the vitrification/fertility preservation group. His main research areas are fertility preservation in oncological patients, time-lapse microscopy and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Andrea Borini

Andrea Borini MD is Clinical and Scientific Director at Tecnobios Procreazione, Centre for Reproductive Health. Bologna, Italy and he is Scientific Director of 9.Baby Fertility Network, Italy.
After completing his MD degree at the University of Bologna in 1986, Dr Borini obtained his specialization degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the same institution in 1991. During this time, he was also a Research Fellow at the University of California Irvine, Irvine, California (1989–1991).
He attained at University of Padova, Padova, Italy a Master’s degree in: Andrology (I level in 2008 and II Level in 2009) and Reproductive Medicine (II level in 2010).
He has been a past-Chairman of Italian Society of Fertility, Sterility and Reproductive Medicine (SIFES e MR) – Italy (2013 – may 2018)
He has been a past-Chairman of the CECOS – Italy (2002 – 2008) and Profert -Italian Society for Fertility Preservation (2008-2013). Borini MD is member of the editorial board of Fertility and Sterility and associate editor for Reproductive BioMedicine Online and JARG.
He has obtained the national scientific qualification for first and second level teaching (2019-2025).
Dr. Francesca Klinger

Dr. Francesca Klinger is Assistant Professor in Histology and Embryology. Her research interests include reproductive and developmental biology, histology, and stem and germ cell biology, with a primary focus on investigating how different drugs, such as chemotherapics, can impact on subsequent female fertility and ovarian function. The aims of her research are to develop new methodologies for the preservation of fertility.