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Session 61: Cryogovernance III

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Session 61: Cryogovernance III: Thin Ice

Tuesday 27th April, 2021. 3PM EST/ 8PM GMT / 9PM CET 


Professor Catherine Racowsky and Dr. Alison Bartolucci


"Too Hot to Handle: Determining Devitrification Thresholds and Warming Rates of Reproductive Cells"
Dr. Victoria Santos

"FMEA it! A Qualitative and Systematic Tool for Cryogovernance"
Dr. Kristen Ivani

"Clean Dewars and Glass Houses"
Dr. Martine Nijs
This presentation is sponsored by CooperSurgical Fertility Solutions

CRYOGOVERNANCE™ services are available to insure high quality standards of cryostorage management in your facility.

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María Victoria Santos is a Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) at IPATEC in the city of Bariloche, Argentina. She graduated as a Chemical Engineer in 2004 and in 2011 obtained her PhD in Engineering both at the National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Her area of expertise is the numerical simulation using the finite element technique of the energy transfer equation in complex, heterogeneous and irregular domains considering temperature dependent thermophysical properties (including phase-change transitions), applying these models to food engineering and cryopreservation of biological materials.
Co-author in  "Implications of storage and handling conditions on glass transition and potential devitrification of oocytes and embryos" 2014 and "In-vitro development of vitrified-warmed bovine oocytes after activation may be predicted based on mathematical modelling of cooling and warming rates during vitrification, storage and sample removal" 2018.
She has received the Senior Moulton Medal Award in 2021 given by the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) for the most meritorious scientific article published along with the co-authors Dr. Zaritzky and Dr.Pérez-Calderón.


Kristen Ivani completed both her BS and MS degrees in Animal Science with an emphasis in reproductive physiology. She earned her PhD degree in Physiology with the Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology group at Colorado State University. Kristen served as the IVF Laboratory Director at the Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area in San Ramon, CA for over 30 years before recently turning over the reins and being promoted to part-time embryologist and consultant.

In her free time, she enjoys sharing her love of embryology, studying the legal and ethical aspects of ART, and doing anything outdoors. She also enjoys her “other” director job as a volunteer camp director at Two Sentinels Girl Scout camp which has provided backpacking experiences in the Sierra Nevada mountains for over 80 years.


Martine Nijs obtained her Master in Zoology at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. After obtaining her PhD in Medical Sciences at the Free University of Brussels in Belgium, Martine has been working as a senior clinical embryologist and later as an IVF lab director and Scientific Director.
Dr. Nijs is an ESHRE accredited senior clinical embryologist, and past Scientific, IVF and Andrology Lab Director in Nij Geertgen, Netherlands, Lab Director at the Genk Institute for Fertility Technology, Belgium and Senior Embryologist at the Schoysman Infertility Management Team in Belgium.
She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and has presented hundreds of lectures as an invited speaker at meetings worldwide. She has been actively involved in organizing international conferences, workshops, and one-to-one practical training. Martine is an ad hoc board member of 10 international journals and an active member of 8 professional societies.
Martine is currently the Global Training Manager at CooperSurgical Fertility Solutions.



Alison is the Director of Laboratory Operations at the Center for Advanced Reproductive Services at the University of Connecticut. Prior to becoming a “UCONN Husky” in 2012, she started her embryology career in 1999 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and then at Fertility Centers of New England in Reading, MA. Alison obtained a Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Embryology and Andrology from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 2005 and returned to EVMS almost 15 years later where she received her PhD in Clinical Reproductive Sciences in November 2019. Under the mentorship of some of the “greats” in our field, Alison has acquired a distinct interest for oocyte and somatic cell communication, embryo morphology, and optimizing quality in the clinical IVF lab.
Alison is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the New England Fertility Society and served on the SART executive council as the SRBT laboratory representative from 2014-2017. She has been an invited speaker at multiple conferences across the country, presenting on topics involved in improving laboratory outcomes and strategies for monitoring key performance indicators in the laboratory. She has first and co-authored multiple peer reviewed articles on embryo morphology predictors of embryo potential and most recently published work performed for her thesis on microRNA-21 in human cumulus cells.


Dr. Catherine Racowsky is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Emerita, Harvard Medical School, was director of the IVF laboratory at Brigham and Women’s Hospital for over 20 years and is currently a University Consultant for Hopital Foch, Suresnes, France. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Zoology at the University of Oxford, her Ph.D. in Reproductive Physiology from the University of Cambridge and undertook her post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Racowsky is Immediate Past President of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and past Associate Editor of Human Reproduction and Fertility & Sterility. She is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, and a member of F&S and RBMOnline editorial boards. Her research interests include factors affecting oocyte quality, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying oocyte maturation and expanding methodologies for assessing human embryo developmental competency. She has authored over 150 peer-reviewed papers, numerous book chapters, and co-edited seven books.

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