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Session 84: CSI3

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Session 84: CSI3

Tuesday, 7th December, 2021.

Dr. Dorte Egeberg 
Giles Palmer

"Anonymity, Genealogy and CSI" Debbie Kennett
"Crime Scene Investigations" Craig Huldie MCSFS, Cert Ed
"European Sperm Bank and Sperm Dogs" Dr Dorte Egeberg  and Steen Stausholm
"Fundamentals of Forensic Sperm Assessment" Amanda Napp 
"Crime in the Cloud: An Intro to Cybersecurity" Mike Pool


Debbie is a well known author and speaker and an internationally recognised expert on genetic genealogy. She is an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment at University College London. She is the author of two books: DNA and Social Networking and The Surnames Handbook. She has written widely about DNA testing both for the family history press and in academic journals. She has been interviewed about genetic ancestry testing for BBC Radio 4, appearing on You and Yours and The Business of Genetic Ancestry, and has also appeared on TV on the BBC programme Watchdog. She is often asked to comment on DNA stories for the UK and US press and has been cited in numerous publications including The Times, The Observer, New Scientist, The Atlantic and The Washington Post.




An experienced CSI/CSM/Coordinator, Supervisor, Fingerprint Lab manager, Trainer and Consultant, having spent over 34 years in the operational world of CSI, he has now set his own CSI training and consultancy business.
He is fully conversant in the investigative process and how best to exploit opportunities when presented.
He has  expanded his portfolio to include capability reviews and gap analysis of specialist department training and infrastructure capabilities and provide roadmaps to success.
He can provide Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) writing and quality management overviews and training. 
He has carried out this type of review in a South American Law Enforcement Agency and provided a report to map out potential future development opportunities.
He delivers "Train the Trainer" courses, Forensic Awareness Courses, assessment of development of training in South America, CSI Stage 1 course (the only officially accredited course in the UK) and also his UK based Crime Scene Coordinators course, working with AECOM and IGCUK and other partners.
Currently he is involved in an ongoing CSI project in Colombia delivering training to Colombian CSI’s, Specialist CSI functions and Prosecutors.


Dorte Egeberg has a masters in Molecular Biomedicine and holds a PhD degree from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at University of Copenhagen. During her PhD studies, Dorte focused on automatization and development of sperm analysis at the Department of Growth and Reproduction, University Hospital of Copenhagen (Denmark). Dorte has great knowledge in male reproductive health. As Lab specialist at European Sperm Bank, Dorte is responsible for the development and quality assurance of the sperm laboratories. Dorte is also an active board member of Network for Young Researchers in Andrology (NYRA).


Steen Stausholm is a Police Inspector with National Contingency and Coordination Department in Denmark. He is involved in the National K9 Unit with a speciality in Criminal Scene Investigation.



Amanda earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Houston in 2015 and joined the Houston Forensic Science Center in 2018, as a Liaison to the CODIS unit (Combined DNA Index System). CODIS is the national DNA database that was created by and maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The database houses DNA known profiles from convicted offenders, as well as profiles obtained from eligible items of evidence. She has worked alongside a team of administrators to provide investigative leads to law enforcement.

In 2020, she obtained my Forensic Biology Screening Analyst license from the Texas Forensic Science Commission and transitioned into a role as a full time screening analyst.
As a screening analyst, Amanda is tasked with performing serological testing to identify bodily fluids (blood, semen, contact DNA) present on items of evidence.
She is looking forward to providing a detailed look into the fundamentals of forensic serology!


Mike Pool is a cloud and cybersecurity specialist based in Texas. After more than a decade training marine animals at SeaWorld, Mike decided to hang up the wetsuit in favor of the laptop, and has worked for some of the world’s largest tech companies over the last 10 years.

Mike has worked at companies that have retroactively adopted global-scale cloud technology, as well as born-in-the-cloud cybersecurity firms. He is passionate about leveraging the combination of advanced technology and human expertise to help protect companies, as well as educating staff on cybercrime, modern advanced persistent threats (APTs), and what you can do to better position yourself against an ever-evolving threat landscape.




Giles is a clinical embryologist, skilled in laboratory, business, and quality management. After graduating in Genetics at Leeds University, UK he worked as are search officer at London's Hammersmith Hospital's acclaimed IVF unit working with Professors Lord Winston and Alan Handyside. In the following years he worked as laboratory manager and clinic director in IVF clinics in Greece while consulting in several countries including Iceland, Nigeria, and the Balkan states. His research collaboration with St. Sophia' s Children's Hospital (Athens University) resulted in the first births in Greece following embryo-biopsy and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. He has published in leading scientific journals on a variety of topics including pre-implantation genetic testing for Cystic Fibrosis and B-thalassaemia, Morpho-kinetics, and Quality Management. He is a certified HCPC clinical scientist in the UK and has been accredited with Senior Embryologist Status by ESHRE. More recently, Giles, has become a consultant for IVF clinics, Institute of Life, Athens and Nordica Fertility Centre in Lagos and product developer in a wide range of areas within the industry. He is the executive director for this non profit global educational project in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), the International IVF Initiative.

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