The International IVF Initiative - i3

Session 8: Rebuilding Ovarian Function

University of Colorado Advanced Reproductive Medicine

Session 8: Rebuilding Ovarian Function

Session 8: Rebuilding Ovarian Function

Host / Moderator David Russell & Dr. Cassandra Roeca

Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation-Transplantation technique for Fertility Preservation- clinical management, success rates and future directions
Professor Dror Meirow

Creating an artificial ovary
Professor Christiani Andrade Amorim

Organized by University of Colorado Advanced Reproductive Medicine

Professor Dror Meirow

Professor Dror Meirow is the chair of the Morris Kahn Center for Fertility Preservation Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. He is a Professor at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Former President of the International Society of Fertility Preservation (ISFP).
Prof. Meirow received his M.D. from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. He then specialized and practiced as a senior physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hadassah University Hospital. He conducted his basic research training at the Center for Reproduction Growth and Development with Prof. Roger Gosden at the University Leeds, UK. Since 2001, Prof Meirow founded the Clinical Center for Fertility Preservation and the Fertility Preservation Research Laboratory at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Israel.

Professor Meirow's basic and clinical research is focused on the effects of chemotherapy on reproduction, and modalities for fertility preservation especially on ovarian tissue harvesting for fertility preservation, and medications that can prevent chemotherapy-induced ovarian damage. Prof. Meirow reported in the New England Journal of Medicine the first case of IVF, pregnancy, and delivery of a healthy baby to result from transplantation of cryopreserved thawed ovarian tissue in a sterilized former cancer patient. Prof. Meirow's laboratory team published a pioneer study in Science Journal providing a new understanding of the "Burn-out" mechanisms involved in chemotherapy-induced ovarian damage, and testing a novel fertility-protecting agent.

Prof Christiani Amorim

Prof Christiani Amorim received her PhD from the Federal University of Santa Maria. She then worked at the Florence University, in Italy, and, subsequently, served as Associate Professor at the Brasília University, in Brazil. Currently, she is Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, in Belgium. In the last years, Prof Amorim has been focusing her attention on the development of a transplantable artificial ovary to restore fertility in cancer patients. She also serves as Basic Scientific Officer in ESHRE’s Special Interest Group on Stem Cell, board member of the Society of Low Temperature Biology and associate editor of Human Reproduction Update and Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering.

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